Interviews for Membership
Interviews are usually held on Sunday afternoons during August through Labor Day just prior to our upcoming season. Actually, one can audition anytime. If you are interested in membership, please fill out the Interview Request Form. Interviews with the Director are always desired, so it’s not too early or late to request an interview!
What can I expect in an interview?
The actual interview will take less than 15 minutes, and will include:
Range testing (vocalizing to your highest and lowest comfortable notes)
Singing a short vocal selection. If you are studying voice privately, bring a piece you have prepared with your teacher. If you are not taking lessons, you will be asked to sing one of the following selections: "Amazing Grace," "Fairest Lord Jesus," or "Silent Night." Plan on two verses; music will be provided.
Matching pitch (the pianist will play a note or phrase, and you will sing it back)
Do you play piano or another instrument?
Be sure to let the Director know you play piano or an instrument, as we’re always looking for ways to incorporate our singers’ other musical gifts into our program!
Where are the interviews held?
AYC interviews are held at Christ Church, Presbyterian, 4201 Southern Pines Drive, Evans. Enter the church property, then into the Sanctuary and upstairs.
When will I find out if I’ve been accepted?
You will find out at the interview.